Buenos Aires

I fell in love the moment I left the airplane!!! I just love it! I arrived last night. I had to take a taxi to Santiago airport because I thought the plane left at 19.25, but when I looked at my ticket around 15.30 I saw it was supposed to leave 17.25! SMART ASS! sooo I forgot my battery to my camera and my iriver but oh well I MADE IT HERE! The plane was delayed to 19.10 anyways... When I arrived I realised I didnt really know anything about this new town. Well planned as I always am... And I also realised I was all on my own in a foreign country on the other side of the world, where everybody spoke spannish with a lot of sha. Luckly for me Carolina, a girl from Atlas copco, told me there was a bus company called leon busses at the airport. And they where supposed to be very good. So I bought a ticket and an hour later I was in my hostel. I left my stuff at my room and asked for the way to milhouse hostel where Nina and Madde stayed. From the moment I arrived to Milhouse hostel untill 7 in the morning was just a big party. It was GREAT! I love it I love it! now Im not really sure what to do. Nina and Madde are going to show me a little bit of the BIG city I guess. Santiago is nothing compare to Buenos Aires ;p Im so glad I came here!

Postat av: en ensam liten jävel!!

halloj där!
hehe...härligt att du kom fram efter det där maratonet.Jag var lite orolig för dig där ett tag.Dra iväg till Buenos Aires utan strumpor...Sophie Sophie!!Men du ta tillbaka mina strumpor,det är lixom mina favoriter.Om du förstår va jag mennar!Härligt med fest,joo visst här är det liv i luckan också.SÅÅ jag är inte ALLS avis,leia har lärt sig tipp tappa och Alvin springer runt i enbart tomteluva.Kan man få bättre julstämning eller?Nu är det julafton hemma i svedala...jag ska njuta av den 23 ett tag till...puss på dig sophie och ha en dundrans bra JUL!!Ses om några dagar,men fan vilket tomrum du lämnade efter dig...

2006-12-24 @ 01:22:21

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